Hochiki America Corporation developed a solution for sleep room fire alarm coverage in commercial settings, such as hotels, motels, dormitories, nursing homes and assisted living. By connecting the ACA-V detector to the system control panel, the people who need to know about a fire, smoke or trouble situation can be notified, including security guards, nurse station personnel, hotel front lobby attendants and room occupants. Further, the system will generate the appropriate local or building-wide sound depending on the situation detected. Historically, sleep rooms have been protected by standalone 110 VAC-powered smoke detectors with internal alarm sounders not connected to the building fire alarm system. The Hochiki ACA-V is a multi-criteria analog sensor, combining heat and smoke detection in a single device. Loop Explorer software allows the ACA-V to be configured to generate a non-latching supervisory event if the sensor detects smoke and a latching fire alarm event if the sensor detects heat.
For information visit www.hochiki.com.