Glen Mowrey of the Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) appeared before the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association (CPCA) to discuss initiatives begun by several states to manage and reduce the number of false burglar alarm activations. CPCA then tasked its Private Security Committee to develop an overall approach to alarm management and to create the model ordinance. 


The result was the adoption of the model ordinance by CPCA which provides for direct alarm reduction initiatives, encourages multiple call verification and encourages installation of alarm control panels which meet or exceed ANSI SIA-CP-01 standards for all new installations and panel replacements.


Additionally, a sub-committee of the Private Security Committee was created to present this ordinance to towns throughout Connecticut as a proactive solution to false alarm dispatches.


Bob McVeigh, chairman of the Industry Affairs committee for the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association, said “This is a win-win for police, consumers and the alarm industry. This ordinance makes it easier for towns in Connecticut to adopt a position on false alarm dispatches because, through the ordinance, all of the legwork has been done. Many thanks to the CPCA who has shown their willingness to work with alarm dealers and citizens within their communities.”


Echoing McVeigh’s enthusiasm, Chief Tom Sweeney of the Glastonbury Police Department said, “Statewide implementation of the model ordinance, coupled with effective alarm management follow through, has the real potential to eliminate over 100,000 needless dispatches each year.”


SIAC is comprised of four major North American security associations -- Canadian Security Association (CANASA), Security Industry Association (SIA), Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA), and the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA) -- representing one voice for the alarm industry on alarm management issues. SIAC’s primary charter is to significantly reduce calls for service while strengthening the lines of communication with law enforcement professionals and end users.


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