
The Security Industry Association (SIA), the Electronic Security Association (ESA) and the Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) joined forces to launch the Security Industry Recruiting Center, an online resource for matching qualified job seekers with security industry employers.

“One of the greatest challenges facing the security industry today is the shortage of qualified labor,” SIA stated. “While there may be many young men and women seeking jobs, a great majority of these potential employees are unaware of what the security industry has to offer. For some, security training is a viable alternative to a four-year degree, with some security professionals earning as much as, or more than, some college graduates.”

ESA and CSAA previously worked together on an online recruiting center, available for the past four years. When SIA was tasked with creating an industry employment resource, Don Erickson, the association’s chief executive officer, reached out to the other organizations to consolidate their efforts. The result was the new www.securityindustryrecruitingcenter.com. The website features a new, more intuitive template and design.

“Increased collaboration with ESA and CSAA is a priority for SIA, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with them on this important project,” Erickson said. “We are excited about working with CSAA and ESA to make the Security Industry Recruiting Center the premier job board for security professionals.”

SIA also noted that the overlap in membership between the organizations makes it a natural fit for them to work together on this project — to the point that separate job boards could become counterproductive. The recruiting center will be managed by collaborating staff from each of the associations.

“The security industry is rapidly changing and needs employees who are interested in being a part of this high-tech world. We’re excited to offer an online resource to our member companies and to men and women seeking employment in the security industry. We encourage anyone looking for interesting employment to post their resume on our job board,” said Merlin Guilbeau, ESA executive director.

Designed to be simple and cost-effective, the recruiting center will allow the associations and both member and non-member companies to post available career opportunities, as well as review resumes posted by new industry recruits.

“We’ve wanted a job board for our members, and joining forces with ESA and SIA will allow us to have an even greater impact than we might have had on our own. Together, we’ll have the opportunity to attract a very comprehensive listing of potential employees and employers,” said Stephen Doyle, CSAA executive director.