Razberi Technologies’ Rugged razberi is an all-in-one, intelligent video surveillance appliance. Its hardened, fan-less design is equipped to handle extended temperatures from -4 deg. F to 140 deg. F. Rugged razberi provides an all-in-one server, managed switch, PoE and highly tuned solid-state design storage up to 4 TB. It works in a distributed appliance architecture that records closer to cameras and eliminates the need to stream megapixel video over networks, reducing bandwidth impact by up to 95 percent, according to Razberi. It comes fully equipped with built-in health monitoring via Razberi’s VyneWatch feature, allowing security managers and integrators to get proactive notification of camera issues and tampering. It also provides cyber security protection via Razberi’s LocBeri, with the ability to lock down exposed IP camera ports from hacking. Rugged razberi is also built on open-architecture and is certified to support world-class video management systems.
Razberi Technologies | www.razberi.net