North Haven Capital (NHC), a private investment firm based in Portland, Maine, announced it has acquired New England-based Interstate Fire Protection (IFP).
“The Mooney Brothers have built a long-standing fire suppression partner that acts local, but covers a national customer base,” said Drew Bagin, partner at North Haven Capital. “We’re excited to work with the employees of IFP to expand their presence geographically and into new products and service offerings.”
Interstate Fire Protection is a provider of fire protection services and systems that are protecting hundreds of businesses across New England. The company also undertakes the design and sale of systems protecting manufacturing assets outside of the region on a national level.
“The team at North Haven Capital brings a new level of expertise and resources to accelerate the Interstate’s continued success,” said Terence Mooney of Interstate Fire Protection. “We are excited and pleased to work with North Haven in the shared goals of providing a rewarding environment for our valued team members and in increasing our market share both regionally and nationally.”