Due to new technologies and successful efforts to reduce false alarms, CSAA International has begun the process of developing a revision of the Alarm Verification and Notification Procedures Standard (CS-V-01). This standard defines methods by which false dispatches can be greatly reduced — with the intent to increase efficiencies by reducing costs and eliminating wasteful efforts associated with potential false alarms. Public comments are now being accepted on the revision draft.
This standard is to be used by alarm monitoring facilities and by state and local units of government in their development of consistent administration criteria for alarms. This standard, adopted by various states and local units of government, recognizes the lifesaving benefits provided by professionally-monitored security and fire alarm systems.
Visit http://csaaintl.org/standards/ to review the draft standard and access the comments form.
Comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on January 16, 2015. When you have completed your comments form, please forward to CSAA vice president of Membership Becky Lane, at