Milestone Systems released its bi-monthly Device Pack 7.8 for the XProtect portfolio of products. The most significant feature in this upgrade is support for a new type of hybrid cameras combining a PTZ and a 360-deg. camera.
An example of the new type of hybrid cameras is the AXIS Q6000-E network camera. This camera offers a 360-deg. overview provided by four 2 MP camera heads, and when integrated with AXIS Q60-E camera, it simultaneously offers high-detail optical zoom on areas of interest.
With XProtect, clients can optically zoom in on details of interest with high precision while at the same time being able to maintain an overview of large areas of up to 215,000 sq. ft.
Milestone supports more than 100 brands and more than 4,000 models of cameras and devices on the market. This means it has added more than 1,000 devices in a year — the company’s highest annual growth ever.
“The release of this device pack clearly shows the power of open platform technology. We are not only adding a brand new type of camera; we have also added support for more than 1,000 devices in a just a year,” said Christian Bohn, Milestone Systems’ vice president of corporate marketing and alliances.
Milestone XProtect Device Packs include optimized drivers that enable the relevant capabilities of a camera or other device to be managed by XProtect software. Milestone works closely with the device manufacturers in the Camera Partner Program (CaPP) to achieve the optimal interaction between their devices and the XProtect VMS. This ensures the highest quality for a video surveillance solution, which is important for total system operability, efficiency and stability.
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