Giacalone Associates expanded its Electronic Security Consulting practice to the world-famous Bell Works campus in Holmdel, N.J.

Giacalone Associates LLC has served as consultants to domestic and international security technology organizations for the past 12 years. In a press release the company said the expansion was necessitated by the incremental growth and its new business unit launching in the first quarter of 2018, “representing the largest world class telecommunications, networking, managed services and cloud computing solution providers.”

Peter P. Giacalone, president of Giacalone Associates LLC, said, “We are very fortunate that our clients have entrusted us for over a decade and have given us the ability to grow and expand the business. It is exciting as we expand representing the largest carriers in the telecommunications, cloud and networking space.” 

The Bell Works campus is an historic location that’s been graced with the presence of many Nobel Prize winners and where countless technology patents have originated. “We are humbled to have this opportunity to be part of the next wave of technology growth as tenants of Bell Works,” said Giacalone.