Salient Systems Corporation’s new CompleteView 20/20 VMS has a robust and flexible UI, allowing users to manage and administer enterprise security solutions up to 30 percent faster, the company described. Superior command and control tools, seamless third-party integrations and advanced analytics enable Salient’s comprehensive management solution to meet security needs — today and tomorrow. The platform features: GeoView, which supports both satellite and image-based maps; auto map switching, which enables operators to switch a camera and map view in relation to the monitored facility; and custom tabs, which allow users to create tabs for individual cameras and view layouts for instant access. In addition to these features, CompleteView 20/20 offers instant keyword search of events, cameras, views and servers; accelerated playback and search; and AI-based video synopsis. Leveraging intelligent video technology to mitigate risk, improve services delivery and drive positive business outcomes are cornerstones of the Salient Security platform.

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