I must admit that as I advance in age, I become more resistant to the changes that technology brings. Along with having to learn new ways to do old things, like paying for stuff, I also have great concerns about how the mega companies have access to virtually all of our personal information, account numbers, credit cards, etc.  

I also get a big giggle when I read the daily news about this or that massive data breach (thanks, Marriott). Someone was quoted in the paper saying, “when I gave them my data, I thought it was secure.” Once your personal information becomes “data” you can forget security — your info will be spewed all over the internet.

Technology is transforming our lives on a daily basis, and there’s really nothing we can do about it. We have two choices: get up and surf the tsunami, or drown. This concept was brought to me when I went searching for fiber optics tools, testers and cleavers. I found some “kits” that were very inexpensive compared to similar products from known manufacturers, bought one and tested all of the components. They all work and are much lower in cost.

Initially I was discouraged about these “cheap” kits, as fiber optic tools and testers have always been relatively expensive with a decent quality tool and test set costing in the range of $2,000. 

I bought six more kits, and they all tested perfectly. The light bulb went off in my head and I realized that by using these tool/ tester sets, low-voltage contractors can start performing fiber optic work at a much lower entry cost. 

The problem with most fiber termination kits on the market is that they are way too expensive and don’t provide all of the tools needed to perform the three primary fiber termination functions: accessing the fibers under the protective jacket, installation of connectors, and optical power testing to ensure functionality of a fiber link. You can’t do fiber optics with a screwdriver and a set of pliers; specific tools and tester meters must be utilized.

After reviewing and testing the kits’ contents, I sourced additional hand tools, fiber connector cleaners, testing jumpers and adapters, and a few other small but critical components that technicians need to properly perform fiber work in the field.

Along with this complete “Fiber Optic Preparation, Termination, and Testing” kit, I have produced a  how-to video flash drive that is included with each kit showing exactly how to properly use the tools to get quality fiber connector installation and optical power testing for assured functionality.  And you get to see the kitchen in the bunker in Bucktown.

There is a video on the Slayton Solutions Ltd. YouTube channel that shows what you will get in your complete fiber kit, and the cost is south of $450 for everything, including the bag. And you can be assured that each and every component/ tool has been tested and adjusted (if necessary) by my own somewhat steady hands. Kits can be ordered from slaytonsolutionsltd.com.

Fiber optics is very simple — an LED or laser light travels down a piece of glass — but it’s the biggest bandwidth pipe available and there are millions of unused fibers already installed and waiting for you to connect electronic security, IoT and other communication devices.

Fiber isn’t the future; fiber is now. Get a kit and light up your business.