The Cypress OSM-1000 OSDP-Wiegand converter has attained certification by the Security Industry Association's OSDP Verified program. The OSDP Verified mark validates that a device conforms to the SIA Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) standard and its related performance profiles.

"For nearly 40 years, we have been wrestling with ambiguity over the term Wiegand, as it pertains to access card readers and panels,” said Tony Diodato, Cypress founder and chief technology officer. “Now the installer can finally see the OSDP Verified moniker, and know the device has met independent conformance testing. For me, personally, this is a goal I wanted to see completed. This is the opposite of all that ambiguity; it is a significant accomplishment for the industry."

The OSM-1000 offers a choice of 2 operating modes. When used in PD (peripheral device) mode, it connects a traditional Wiegand reader to an OSDP access control unit. When used in ACU (access control unit) mode, the OSM-1000 connects an OSDP reader with a legacy Wiegand access controller. Two OSM-1000 converters may be used together in opposite modes to connect a Wiegand reader to a Wiegand access controller, with an OSDP connection in between. The OSDP connection is securely encrypted when the OSM-1000 is used in secure channel mode.

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