Electronic security factory rep firm LRG announced today a new information resource for installers and distributors.
“Given the pandemic need to adapt to increased virtual interaction with clients and also the web fatigue many are being bombarded with, we realized some people just need an answer, not a presentation, to everyday installation needs,” said LRG President Chris Lanier.
LRG compiled commonly asked, industry related questions into short, 60-second videos that provide a clear and concise answer. Each video features an LRG vendor partner product along with a real-life scenario in which the product can be used.
“2020 brought about some major changes in the way that we as a rep firm market the products and offerings of our clients. This initiative was one of the many ways we chose to restructure our approach,” said LRG Marketing Coordinator Sabrina Lakey. “’Solved in 60 Seconds,’ or ‘SI60’ as we call it, works in conjunction with the tireless efforts of our outstanding sales team. It has not stopped them from calling, sending emails, or visiting clients when possible. Instead, it has helped to subsidize some of the face-to-face meetings that the pandemic has impeded in the last few months.”
View the resource at www.lanrepgroup.com and select the LRG-TV tab.