The study gathered responses from 1,800 partners, end users, and security and IT personnel worldwide, and reveals a significant transformation in how businesses are approaching security.
More than 3 in 4 respondents (77 percent) to HID’s survey believe integrating digital and physical security is crucial for healthcare facilities to combat rising cyber and physical attacks.
The Citizen ID business area of HID manufactures, designs and implements physical and mobile identity solutions for government to citizen programs around the globe.
The integration expands options for organizations to tailor their MFA journey while meeting Microsoft’s mandatory MFA requirements and accelerating the path to phishing- resistant passwordless authentication.
BMA International and its technology partner, Technowave International LLC, determined that the HID DigitalPersona 4500 Fingerprint Reader met all their requirements.
The acquisition grows HID’s RTLS portfolio with enhanced asset management and tracking capabilities, strengthening the company’s position in the healthcare vertical.
HID’s report highlights the significant shift toward flexible and hybrid working arrangements, accelerated by COVID-19, and the resulting challenges for the physical access control industry.
Telaeris‘ XPressEntry handheld badge and biometric readers enhance access control and security management by providing a flexible, mobile solution that goes beyond traditional door readers and addresses specific safety and security challenges.