It’s a glorious day here in Chicago – home of SDM’s editorial staff – because as of last night both of our city’s baseball teams have clinched their respective league’s central divisions. How exciting is that...having both the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox as winners moving forward to the first round of playoffs?
It’s been a week for winners here at SDM, too.
We are currently researching and writing the November issue cover story which will announce and profile the winner of our Systems Integrator of the Year award. And just this morning we notified the winner of our 2008 Dealer of the Year Award, which will be featured in our December issue.
I can't reveal the winners yet, but be sure not to miss these important feature presentations. They will discuss not only the interesting stories of how these firms got started, but also describe many innovative practices and strategies of the winners.
If you’d like to get in the running for the 2009 Systems Integrator of the Year Award or Dealer of the Year award, let us know by sending an email to me at