Kwikset announced a new integration of the Kwikset Halo Wi-Fi enabled smart lock with FallCall Solutions’ medical alert applications. The result of this integration is Kwik-Unlock, a feature that is exclusively available on FallCall Detect and FallCall Lite apps.

FallCall apps with Kwik-Unlock can reportedly reduce entry delays and eliminate forced entries to false alarms (and unnecessary property/door damage) by automatically unlocking the door after an ambulance is dispatched. With Kwik-Unlock and FallCall downloaded to Apple Watch, a help request is triggered after a fall through FallCall’s “Smart” Fall Detection or by tapping the +Help button on the FallCall app. After the request is sent, 24/7 emergency services will reach out through a phone call to the person in need and caregivers will receive real-time updates. If an ambulance is dispatched, the FallNet server will receive this information and unlock the predesignated Kwikset Halo smart lock so that emergency services can enter immediately on arrival. Additionally, when the emergency team leaves the scene, an all-clear signal is transmitted, and the door is relocked.

According to FallCall founder and president, Shea C. Gregg, MD, “The launch of this completely new FallCall with Kwik-Unlock technology will once again redefine the medical alert experience for users, caregivers and emergency responders.”

“We are thrilled to bring our innovative smart lock technology to FallCall’s potentially life-saving applications,” said Kwikset’s Erik Glassen, senior brand manager. “Thanks to this extraordinary partnership of emergency services technology and advanced connected security, users and their caregivers have one less thing to worry about during an emergency.”

Another benefit of FallCall apps with Kwik-Unlock is that the potential need to break down a door is eliminated, according to the announcement. With 66 percent of medical alert activations reportedly being accidental according to Consumer Reports, Kwik-Unlock technology can potentially save owners a lot of money and headaches, as the cost of replacing a front door can be thousands of dollars.

According to the announcement, FallCall Detect and FallCall Lite apps combine the power of smart fall detection with a comprehensive personal emergency response system. With integrated Apple Crash Detection and Bluetooth jewelry compatibility, they provide users with the freedom and confidence to live an active lifestyle, knowing they will receive the promptest assistance if needed.

The Kwikset Halo Wi-Fi enabled smart lock is an uncomplicated way to get smart lock security and smart home convenience using a home’s existing Wi-Fi router, announcement continues. With Kwikset Halo, users can operate, manage and monitor the lock with their smartphone using the Kwikset app from anywhere there’s an internet connection.

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