A data-driven method for eliminating defects in any process from manufacturing to service, the Six Sigma methodology has been implemented by Bosch Security Systems worldwide.

Bosch’s goals for the program include changing its culture to be more proactive, driving fact-based decision making, and ensuring comprehensive and consistent approaches for all sites and parts of the organization.

Bosch is using the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) system, which is designed to enhance existing processes. It also is utilizing DFSS (design for Six Sigma) to improve its development processes.

DMAIC focuses on proactive problem-solving, while DFSS centers on designing products and processes that perform at a Six Sigma level and enhance the customer experience.

“Six Sigma is consistent with the Robert Bosch quality improvement strategy, and it’s been proven effective at many other successful companies, including other Bosch sites,” noted Peter Ribinski, president/CEO for Bosch Security Systems in the U.S. “The program strongly supports our top three strategic objectives: improve the quality of products and processes; increase customer satisfaction and loyalty; and reduce costs.”

Employees in several key areas are involved in the program including: engineering, purchasing, product management, quality/testing, manufacturing and service/repair. The Six Sigma skills that they develop will apply to specific projects and their day-to-day responsibilities.

Two types of “change agents” will be used: dedicated product quality improvement managers and operational roles that will influence the majority of projects.

“We anticipate that the significant cost savings will offset our investment in the program,” Ribinski forecasted. “We have demonstrated our commitment to the Six Sigma program with our investment in time, solid leadership, full-time resources, training, win-win partnerships with suppliers and infrastructure support.”

For more information about Bosch security systems, visit www.boschsecurity.us or call (800) 289-0096.