This is a special edition of SDM, as it features the 2019 Top Systems Integrators Report, a ranking of the largest security integrators by systems integration revenue. We asked this year’s crop of Top Systems Integrators, “What issues and trends do you think will have the greatest impact on your business in 2019?”  

Their responses were wide-ranging, covering everything from technology, to consumer buying trends, to operations. However, many of the answers coalesced into three broad subjects: labor/talent; active shooter; and cyber security.

Here is what they had to share. 



The labor market challenges will continue to impact organizations that are looking to hire IT-centric resources. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, forcing integrators to invest heavily in training so they have the skill sets for proper implementations. — G4S Secure Integration LLC

The security market will remain strong and our ability to capture our fair share of business will be determined by our ability to find, recruit and retain outstanding sales and technical team members.  Talent is a limiting factor for our continued growth prospects. — Rapid Security Solutions LLC

SSI provides integration services in a critical infrastructure environment building some of the largest systems in the country. Talent acquisition will continue to be our most important challenge. — Surveillance Systems Inc.


Cyber Security

Cyber Security tops the list. Ensuring systems are deployed in a manner in which they are “hardened” is paramount. We are well-positioned given our extensive knowledge and experience in this realm. — Integrated Security Technologies

Companies face contradicting security challenges: a desire to leverage the openness of IoT for making physical access control an easier user experience across technology platforms versus guarding against the potential risks associated with “gaps” that may arise between the inter-connections of so many open-source devices within a security system that is integrated across the physical and cyber domains. — Kastle Systems

With how much IP-based product we currently install for our clients, the topic of cyber security is becoming more and more common. It’s our goal to take advantage of this opportunity and create an additional business model around physical security and cyber security. — Sonitrol of Sacramento & Orange County, Cybex Security Solutions


Active Shooter Mitigation

IoT Smart Sensor technology is helping to protect schools from active shooter situations as well as combat the vaping epidemic they are currently facing.  — A+ Technology & Security Solutions Inc.

Looking back, in the commercial market, national events such as domestic terrorism tragedies involving active shooters will continue to have the greatest impact on our business. Government and educational facilities will continue to put more focus on protecting the individuals within these buildings. Integrated life safety systems that include lockdown features and gunshot detection technology will soon become the “norm.”  — Custom Alarm

I believe that the increase in active shooters has put a spotlight on security in the public, and as a result I believe our business will be affected in 2019 by an increase in customer focus on risk assessments, risk mitigation measures, and threat response. — Skynet Integrations LLC

What are your issues? Do you relate to any viewpoints of the Top Systems Integrators? Check our LinkedIn page at (search SDM Magazine) and leave your comments there.