What: FREE Webinar
Where: Online
How to Sell Your Security Business for Maximum Profit
When you put the security company you’ve spent your life building on the market, you don’t just want to sell it. You want to sell it for what it’s truly worth — or more if possible. It’s in your best interests to maximize profits from the sale, but how? Is there a magical formula or strategy for ensuring that buyers understand the value of your company and will be willing to pay top dollar for it? Unfortunately, no. But there are some steps you can take to maximize profits from the sale of your company. This webinar explains the five most important steps.
Webinar Attendees Will Learn:
- The importance of succession planning before selling their security company in order to maximize profits.
- The importance of knowing the value of their company, and how to determine the value.
- How to read the market to determine if it’s a good time or not to sell.
- How to develop allies in the effort to make the sale of their company go smoothly.
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