System Surveyor announced the availability of its mobile and graphical system design and management tool on Android-based tablets through the Google Play Store. The app is fully compatible with System Surveyor’s Cloud Workspace to enable team collaboration and secure management. Adding the Android platform allows integrators and system managers to use digital, drag-and-drop system design and management in the field in organizations that standardize on the Android platform. To date, System Surveyor has thousands of users that use it on the iPad or a Web-based device.
Campus security is a multi-faceted challenge for school leaders. It requires collaboration with many stakeholders to keep students, teachers and everyone on a campus safe. To be sure, security technology has an important role to play to improve safety for school districts and campuses with multiple buildings and facilities. But, for it to be effective, the application and management of the technology requires a broad consensus among key players.
Middle Atlantic Products is now providing integrators with new options to streamline the design process and simplify the ordering experience for the company’s C5 Series Credenzas.