CorAccess Systems, a provider of electronic home management systems, announces the Companion SideKick, a rugged, versatile, and easy-to-use controller running the award-winning AutoMate, PhotoMate, AudioMate and AniMate home management services, but leverages existing home PCs and TVs as the control interface. Using the convenient RF Wand, users can easily point and click at any TV throughout a home. Companion SideKick is designed for new homes, retrofit installations, and multiple dwelling units. The simple pre-wire requirements of just Ethernet and power also means “no new wires” or Wi-Fi simplicity, making the central wiring cabinet or media center or top of the TV easy choices for positioning a SideKick. The same easy configuration setup that professional installers have been accustomed to will benefit from the familiarity on SideKick. CorAccess Systems

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