For example, security dealers in Texas are being urged by authorities to verify that their central stations and any third-party central stations they are using are licensed by the state of Texas, even if they are not located in the state.
"The problem we're getting into mainly is the [third-party] monitoring companies that are telling [dealers] that they're licensed when in fact they're not," explained Sgt. Gene Hale of the Dallas Police Department Alarm Squad.
Other states, such as Oregon, Massachusetts and North Carolina, also regulate security dealerships and their employees. In Texas, Hale pointed out that the state's Web site could provide information.
"All you have to do is go to the Web site and see if they're licensed," he suggested. "I've been told that the fines could be up to $2,000 a day for each day that [a monitoring company is] in business in this state," Hale warned. "That can add up."
Hale admitted it is difficult to enforce Texas laws in other states. "If we don't get compliance, we can always start filing cases under both the city ordinance and state law," he declared.
Chris Russell, president of the North Texas Alarm Association, noted that the Texas security licensing law has been on the books for years.
"This isn't brand-new, and there's a lot of monitoring stations that are located outside of the state of Texas that comply with the state of Texas' rules and regulations," Russell declared. "[The state] will cite and possibly revoke the license of any installing alarm company that is operating inside the state of Texas that is using a contractor that is not licensed by the state of Texas."
For more information on Texas laws, visit
In Oregon, those monitoring alarms need special certification. In connection with this, a certification/recertification class for executive managers, supervisory managers, alarm operators and trainers on Oregon statutes for monitoring alarms within the state of Oregon is being hosted by Network Multifamily Corp. on June 21 in Irving, Texas.
As of July 31, 2003, all companies who monitor alarms in the state of Oregon must have an alarm monitor instructor certified by the state of Oregon provide the mandated training. According to Oregon statute, all supervisory managers and executive managers must return to class through the state of Oregon every two years.
Each manager must provide a PS-21, complete the four-hour refresher class and pay the recertification fee. For more information regarding the Oregon statute or certification costs, visit
Wherever your security or monitoring business is located, doublecheck the latest laws, ordinances and regulations in your state and municipality to ensure that you are in compliance with them.