Properties similar to hospitals, school campuses and industrial facilities now have the ability to monitor multiple Gamewell-FCI fire alarm control panels (FACPs) of varied age and sophistication from one (or more) centrally located workstation(s) with FocalPoint, a centralized monitoring solution. FocalPoint integrates information from the large majority of Gamewell-FCI’s sizeable portfolio of FACPs, allowing users access to detailed diagrams of the protected facility. Should a device such as a smoke detector or pull station go into alarm, a full view of the affected area is provided along with written incident reports. In complex or multiple building settings, it can quickly pinpoint the location of the detected incident, enabling first responders to find the exact location of the alarm faster. Furthermore, it provides a thorough history log in which users can track and search previous incidents. The FocalPoint system can be configured with custom site-specific graphics and connected to a network of FACPs.Gamewell-FCI
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