Two identity management experts who hold key positions with the Security Industry Association (SIA) are scheduled to give presentations at a NIST workshop today, April 19.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is holding a public workshop on the draft of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 201-2 in Washington, D.C., on April 18-19. FIPS 201-2 specifies the architecture and technical requirements for a common identification standard for federal employees and contractors, and the workshop is being held to provide federal agencies and industry representatives the opportunity to exchange information and learn more about the draft.
Rob Zivney, vice president for government and standards at Identive Group and chairman of SIA’s Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Working Group, is to give a presentation on “FIPS 201-2 Review,” and Sal D’Agostino, chief executive officer of IDmachines and vice chairman of the PIV Working Group, is to present on “Standards and Testing.”
More information about SIA’s PIV Working Group is available at