PR Newswire Association published a story this week based on information from Allstate Insurance Co., stating that home burglary claims for Allstate customers in Texas increased 9 percent last year. The burglary claim rates varied by city, with the highest increases occurring in Rio Grande Valley (up 55 percent) and Austin (up 47 percent).
The report cited four steps that homeowners should employ to safeguard their homes and make them less inviting to burglars. One of those steps is to have and use an alarm system.
“An alarm system is an excellent deterrent to crime, as long as it’s used consistently. The system should include a loud siren and motion sensors. Display security system decals on your windows and doors,” the article recommended.
Texas security dealers, what’s been your impression of the level of burglary throughout your home state? Let us know by e-mailing the editor at