It visually demonstrates the communicator’s ability to switch between carriers quickly and it displays signal quality for both cell networks to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and more discerning potential customers.
As a GSA Certified, FIPS-201 compliant solution, Continental Access can now be used in the facilities used by over 3 million federal government employees and contractors, for federal personal identity verification.
NAPCO announced the addition of Bryan Pope and Adam Krueger, business development managers, East & West, respectively, both reporting to Jim Pless, director of sales, security & smart home.
Upgrading to any of these three platforms, from the standard Alarm Lock DL-WINDOWs database software, enables real-time lockdown, global operations, scheduled server-based programming, etc.
The Alarm Lock Catalog highlights its Trilogy Series and the wireless Trilogy Networx Access Locks, available in standalone, networked, mortise, narrow stile, and exit trim configurations compatible with panic exit bars.
Rob Etmans, director of sales, succeeds Scott Schramme, who retired earlier this month. Additionally, Gio Carillo has been appointed as the Napco Access Pro regional sales manager for the Southeast territory.