dormakaba’s Community software Resident Visitor Management feature and the enhanced BlueSky mobile app, property managers can enable today’s busy residents to provide temporary access to both perimeter and common areas by creating and sharing mobile keys or PIN codes. Mobile keys can also be sent for access to interior unit locks. Residents can create and manage PIN codes including single use, date and time specific use or multiple use access. Using the BlueSky app, residents have the flexibility to send credentials by text or email. They can use this new functionality to provide access for package and food deliveries, cleaners, dog walkers, visits by family and friends, and maintenance repairs. A full range of features meet the evolving multihousing access requirements: generate and manage PIN code and mobile key access credentials through dormakaba’s enhanced BlueSky app; advanced PIN code management including easy Xpress PIN code for single use visitors; centralized auditing of all common and amenity access points; resident access to visitor history; supports long range reader technology designed for easy access to parking garages, service areas and entrances.

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