On the calendar for 2005, the Corporate Security Roundtable (CSR) draws movers and shakers of the industry who share ideas and experiences in an informal problem-solving atmosphere.

Perhaps you had an executive problem recently that was tough to solve? The CSR, a program from the Security Industry Association (SIA), Alexandria, Va., can help.

Now in its third year, the CSR brings together top security decision-makers at the networking event, who interact with each other about their challenges and focus on solutions that make sense and are effective. In fact, topics for discussion are filtered from executives around the globe, who share their most current issues prior to the conference at www.CorporateSecurityRoundtable.com.

Slated for February 6 through 8 at the Omni Hotel in San Diego, “Redefining SecurITy – Achieving a Balance,” kicks off with a keynote presentation by Greg Akers, senior vice president and chief technology officer, CISCO, San Jose, Calif.

According to Leigh McGuire, SIA’s director of marketing communications, the conference has been redesigned to focus on an informal venue for an exchange of ideas, and includes open networking time, as well as question-and-answer and other flexible sessions. The direction of the session is often determined by the needs of the attendees, she added. The conference takes on a number of high-level, timely topics. Small roundtable discussion groups also engage in table-top exercises and role-playing activities.

Some 18 interactive, small-scale educational sessions are on the preliminary drawing board for 2005, including:

- IT/Security Director Relationship

- Protecting the Workplace from

Internal/External Threats

- Building Employee/Executive

Support in the Security Program

- Risk Management

- Policies & Procedures:

Coordinating with Vendors/ Fragmented Corporate Policies

- CCTV and Access Control on the Network

- Technology Presentation:

Integrated Systems

- Terrorism

- Providing Security for Information Systems

- Technology Presentation:

Digital Video

- Managing the Effective Team

(manufacturer, end-user, dealer and consultant)

- Network Management

- Technology Presentation:

Access Control

- Bringing Both IT & Security Together – Where There is a

Problem Security May Be Part f the Solution

- Keeping Staff Current, a continuing education session.

A general session has been planned on “Taking Security to the Boardroom & Budget: Proper Funding for Security Products and Training.”

“The quality of speakers presenting at the CSR seminars has been exceptional. Their experience and subject knowledge are well above what I’ve heard at other seminars,” said Ken Finnegan, director of investigations and technology, Columbia University Department of Public Safety in New York City. “Add to that, the extensive knowledge and experience of the attendees and you take away some valuable information and insight from each conference.”

Another unique part of the conference is the Open Space Forum: “What is the Future of IT & Security?” In an Open Space format, the attendees pose the questions, discuss the possibilities and offer the solutions. The topic is based on the theme of the conference.

“Our goal is to bring professionals in an atmosphere that facilitates problem-solving,” she said. Results of the Open Space Forum will be detailed to attendees at another general session during the conference.

For information contact SIA at (703) 683-0334 or visit www.siaonline.org.