Elmo high-speed color dome cameras feature fast 400-degrees per second pan and are compatible with many protocols. Variable scan speed models have high acceleration rates and smooth steady motion, providing 360-degree continuous pan rotation at a travel speed from 5 to 400 degrees per second, operating from presets with 180-degree auto turnaround. Tilt travel is from minus 10 degrees to 190 degrees; 256 programmable presets pinpoint target areas. Pan and tilt speed automatically adjust in proportion to the depth of zoom. ESD-380DR offers a complete solution to outdoor installations. The camera features an IP66-rated weather-resistant outdoor housing, wide dynamic range, day/night model that captures image details in difficult lighting conditions. Digital slow shutter and removable IR cut filters increase the quality of the images, even at lowest light levels. Minimum illumination is 0.01 lux with 0 lux for the IR illuminator. Features include a 23X optical zoom, a 12x programmable digital zoom and a 24-position privacy zone masking.Elmo USA Corp.
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