RS2 Technologies’ EP series of system control processors is based on open-architecture hardware from Mercury Security Corp. The series includes the EP-1502 and the EP-2500, both of which are based on a 32-bit micro-controller. Both units feature AES 128-bit NIST certified encryption, and are UL-294 recognized, RoHS and HSPD-12/FIPS 201 compliant. Both units support up to eight, active card formats and are PIV-II, CAC, and TWIC card compatible. They support card, PIN and biometric access verification. The EP-1502 is available in a standard 6 MB memory configuration that can hold up to 197,000 cards and store 50,000 events. It supports up to 32 access levels per card, and will support two doors. The EP-2500 is available in a standard 12 MB memory configuration that can hold up to 395,000 cards and store 50,000 events. The EP-2500 also supports redundant host communications if the primary link fails.RS2 Technologies LLC
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