The Fastest Trend in Residential Security
Cell phone
Mobile access is a fast-growing trend in residential security today. Based on the analysis of hundreds of thousands of authorized dealers’ interactive service customers, tracked behavioral changes in usage clearly show this trend. Today, more than 75 percent of remote access events for interactive service accounts are through a mobile app. This is a progression that began in earnest in 2010 and continues to grow with the ubiquity of mobile devices and proliferation of consumer expectations for interactive capability.

Accessing security systems via smartphone is the fastest growing trend, and for dealers and integrators to succeed in the increasingly competitive environment, it’s important to capitalize on this trend. has been providing interactive services to security customers for more than seven years. When the very first app was released in the spring of 2009, the vast majority of logins to an interactive account were through the website. It was a year later that logins averaged 50 percent collectively through mobile apps and 50 percent through the dedicated website. In August 2011, noted the first time mobile app logins reached more than 75 percent, and this has continued to grow.

Mobile access keeps customers “sticky.” In 2011, confirmed the correlation between a consumer’s consistent interaction with their interactive security system and reduced attrition. Through an independent third-party analysis, it was proven that customers with interactive accounts stay on longer than traditional security customers and those who are actively logging into their accounts via the website or mobile app attrite even less. Click here for more from on taking a mobile-first approach.. — Contributed by

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