The 2008 Top Systems Integrators Report is a Who’s Who of high-profile security success stories. These are the stories behind their numbers.
This month we are proud to present our 13th annual Top Systems Integrators Report, which ranks by revenue the 100 largest security systems integrators based in the United States. I always feel a great sense of accomplishment when this issue is completed – the work that goes into collecting, analyzing, compiling and producing this report is vast and dynamic. Yet, I sometimes wonder if the numbers alone really convey the enormity and importance of the work that’s being done by these “giants” in the field.
Having had the advantage of personally reviewing each application submitted for the Top Systems Integrators Report, I often found myself reading an application with a dropped jaw in admiration for the scope and complexity of the projects these integrators have undertaken. The 2008 Top Systems Integrators is a Who’s Who of the most exciting, high-profile security success stories occurring today.
How do we know? We asked the integrators to respond to the question: What recent project best demonstrates your firm’s capabilities and staff talents? Their answers were so inspiring that I decided to share them with you here. (SDM omitted the client names in order to protect their security).
“We installed a security/flame detection system at a military base that will protect the U.S. supply of mercury. Project worth $3.8 million.” – Tri-Signal Integration Inc.
“Recently completed an integrated security project for a Fortune 500 petroleum customer. The scope of this integrated project included enterprise card access, biometrics, IP video, intercom, intrusion monitoring, centralized command and control center.” – Convergint Technologies
“We recently completed a 40-site utility project covering 10 states. This technologically complex video analytics, storage and access control installation required intense project management due to the short completion time. We were able to organize a team of SecurityNet and other industry partners to bring this in on time and within cost parameters.” – Operational Security Systems Inc.
“[A state] Department of Transportation – Installation of an integrated platform consisting of CCTV, security, fire and access control throughout the state’s bridges, toll facilities and maintenance/administration buildings.” – ARK Systems Inc.
“Working with a large private university in the Midwest. Designed a campus-wide CCTV system utilizing intelligent video analytics, wireless mesh as transmission along with internal fiber optic cabling. Transmitting back to the security communication center utilizing video wall monitoring system.” – SST-Intercon Security
“Airport project – We are installing an enterprise-level security system encompassing a large access control and video-over-IP system, along with a new Cisco network of the entire airport. We are also building from the ground up a new security command and control center for the airport along with an X-ray baggage screening system at all airport employee and contractor entrances.” – TAC
“Completed a project in Carlsbad, N.M., which was a finalist in the Buddy competition for the Most Intelligent Building in North America. The project incorporated a WiMax Internet Cloud with IP-based cameras and a tablet PC that was able to stream data and video over a 32-acre campus.” – Energy Control Inc.
This is a glimpse of the picture behind the numbers. Yes, the 2008 Top Systems Integrators are $8 billion strong. But the strength really lies in the depth and breadth of these firms’ capabilities and resolve. Kudos to the Top Systems Integrators for their many successes in 2007.