SDC developed a new, comprehensive 2017/2018 Access & Egress Security Solutions catalog. The 316-page catalog, available in print and digitally, replaces large volumes of paper, binders and tab inserts and the shipping required to deliver them to SDC’s resellers.

“We resisted changing our product binder practice for many years because our customers still expected it. But last year, we realized that switching to one, complete catalog was not only the right thing to do from a sustainability perspective, it also eliminates product confusion and mistakes because it will be constantly updated digitally and available online,” said Shane Geringer, SDC’s vice president of marketing, sales and strategic development.

“I don’t know that we’ll ever get away from a printed version of the catalog. In fact, in our technology-dependent world, it’s nice to have information that doesn’t require a Wi-Fi connection or computer expertise or an app to use,” Shane explained.

Visit for your digital download of the catalog.