Verdafero Inc., a provider of cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service), announced the expansion of its analytical service to include IoT sensors and related services. 

“The Internet of Things is becoming an important component on which businesses and society itself depends,” said Verdafero CEO Alastair Hood. “What Verdafero offers is a uniquely powerful means of big data analysis, which is necessary when monitoring, controlling and advancing multiple IoT elements.”

The power of Verdafero’s cloud-based, big data analytic offering lies in its use of machine learning, combined with a myriad of existing and yet-to-be-released IoT devices. Together, they render the rapid analysis of time-dependent data of various kinds. The Verdafero data analytical system will establish what’s “normal” for each day of the week and hour of the day in order to detect anomalies.

“When security integrators add the power of central station monitoring to this equation, the overall benefit is undeniable,” Hood said. “Using the existing cellular network in conjunction with the internet, we can provide near real-time notification of almost any kind, just as you do with alarm events.”

As a bonus, this alert can be simultaneously pushed to the end user’s mobile devices. The Verdafero processing center can accommodate accelerometers, temperature sensors, magnetometers, proximity, gyroscopes, image sensors, acoustical and more.