Honeywell, Syosset, N.Y., along with Novell, ImageWare Systems, Inc., and ActivIdentity, partnered to offer an integrated physical and logical control system for complying with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), which mandates the implementation of a common personal identification card to be used for accessing federally controlled facilities by both government employees and contractors.
Together, the companies provide all components of the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 201 (FIPS 201), such as an identity management system, a card management system, logical and physical access control systems, and PIV cards. Other components to the FIPS 201 solution are contactless readers, physical access control panels, contact chip readers, and card printers/encoders. The largest components of the solution are those that comprise the IT infrastructure to manage processes, provide workflows, PKI certificates, and share data across systems.